Archive | May, 2012

SUYL: Blog Friends

6 May

I’m linking up with Kelly’s Korner SUYL today to “meet” other bloggers in our area!

Hi! I’m Amber and my blog is OliveGypsy.

We live in the NE Texas area. I am Texan through and through..born and raised here  in NE Texas!

I am a stay-at-home mom of two girls- Addison (4) and Macyn (2). My husband, Chris, is an Electrician for Kimberly-Clark. (They make Kleenex, Huggies, Pull-ups, etc.)

I found out about this link up through my friend Tiffany, who is also a blogger. (She is #759 on the link up!)

I hope to get connected with other bloggers in our area, so stop and say Hello! 🙂

The Overachiever Margarita Cocktail

5 May


Today… in honor of Cinco de Mayo, I am going to share my coveted margarita recipe with you. This is NOT your average margarita. It’s above average. In fact, this margarita can be considered an overachiever! 🙂

When I have friends that come over to my house, I usually make them this cocktail. They ALWAYS want to know how to make one. You will notice that this margarita is NOT lime green and artificial colored, which is why it is a REAL margarita…hence the “cocktail” in the name. It’s not the limey green concoction that you get when you go to restaurants. I am somewhat of a margarita snob now, and when we go out, I can’t drink margaritas because they just don’t taste right. So BE WARNED..if you ever want to go out and enjoy a margarita again, DO NOT MAKE THIS AT HOME.  If I sound confident, it’s because I am…and you’ve never tasted THIS margarita. 🙂

The Overachiever Margarita


2-3 small limes (Or about 1.5 ounces) fresh lime juice

1.5 ounces of Triple Sec

2 ounces of Tequila Silver

1-2 teaspoons of agave syrup


Put all of the ingredients into a cocktail shaker  (you HAVE to add the ice…it does make a difference), and SHAKE. Pour into a glass, over ice,  and enjoy!

TIP: If you can’t get much juice out of your limes, stick one in the microwave for 8-10 seconds and THEN juice it. It really gets the juices flowing…trust me!

Serve with Smoked Salsa and chips if you want to REALLY celebrate Cinco de Mayo! Cinco de Mayo makes me think of Puebla, Mexico, one of my favorite places in the world. It holds special memories for me, and maybe one day I will get to go back. 🙂