Archive | September, 2012

Hello ETSY!

24 Sep

My Etsy store is up and running! Now it’s time to finish more projects to add. I can crochet a blanket faster than I can get an Etsy store going…seriously.

Here is a screenshot of it…and HERE IS THE LINK: OliveGypsyEtsy


I feel so proud of myself once I figure out how to do computer techy things on my own.  Smile


Rainbow Colorful Crochet

22 Sep

Hello!! I have been super busy over here, hooking it up every chance I can. I have a few finished projects ready for my Etsy store. (I will have it up and running SOON!)

My wonderful hubby has just made my blogging life so much easier too! For those of you who blog, you know how time consuming it can get, especially when you don’t know how to take the shortcuts. I found myself running into a problem with WordPress when uploading photos. You only have limited space, unless you want to pay $. And let me tell you, I want to blog for fun.. and not have it cost me money! I was originally uploading my photos to flickr and then posting each individual hyperlink in my blog. It was time consuming, but it kept me from having to buy more photo space. And then my husband found LiveWriter (Which was already loaded on my computer!) and all of the blog angels sang HALLELUJAH!! 🙂

Now I can watermark photos, and do complete blog posts in LiveWriter, which publishes straight to WordPress. (I really wanted the watermarks for my Etsy store. After spending hours and hours crocheting, I don’t think it would be fair for someone to use my photo as their own… so here is the solution!) 🙂


By the way, if you want to keep a 3-year-old quiet for a while, give her a bunch of granny squares. Seriously y’all. I had joined a row together already, and she messed with that row for a good while, trying to straighten it out. And she loves putting squares in a “patt-ren”.  

Now, here are my photos of all of the beautiful crochet blankets I have been working on! I know I need a new color scheme, but Rainbow Colorful Crochet makes me smile.




Like the pillow in the pictures?! I’ve got the hook-up y’all! You can get one off of my Blessings Unlimited website. It is called the “Unfailing Love” pillow. It has this verse on it. “May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in You. Psalm 33:22”   I also have the “Grace” pillow on my other couch, and it is just as beautiful! Check it out if you get a chance.