Archive | August, 2013

I heart Jesus..and cupcakes.

24 Aug

And here it is! The Bible cover I made for myself entirely out of scraps. I know, I know…cupcakes aren’t traditionally something you see on a Bible cover, but I thought they were just way too cute NOT to use. 🙂 Plus, it fit with my whole theme. Here is the front cover. I hand quilted it too, because I just like the way it looks. It takes way longer though, and poking the needle through the flaps, and all… well it was a challenge. I might leave it to the trusty machine for the next one.

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Of course I had to add these cuties. I got the pattern from Sublime Stitching. I also used my perle cotton #8 to embroider this. I used #5 for the quilted running stitch.


BACK COVER: I appliqued the half circle on, just cause.


INSIDE FRONT FLAP: I actually lined the inside, and made this flap with a cupcake tea towel from IKEA that I cut up. Man, I love that store.


INSIDE BACK FLAP: I made a pocket to hold a couple of pens. (My dad made that super awesome pen for me. It actually has a chevron pattern on it. Pretty sweet.) I also continued with my sweets them by adding a donut and a peppermint. The popcorn is there…well, I don’t really have a reason. haha


And you can’t forget the bookmarks! I used ribbons I already had. (Yes, I am a craft hoarder. These were from way back in the day when I used to make hair bows for my girls. That ship has sailed.)



This is the cover I made for my secret pal. This is what sparked my desire to make one for myself! I tried to keep hers toned down. I realize not everyone has the same taste as me. You can’t go wrong with chevron and polka dots, am I right?!


AND, last but not least, here is the needle book I made. I have been needing something like this! I got the tutorial from NanaCompany. The Russian nesting doll pattern is from a book called Doodle Stitching.


And this video is just funny to me, so I had to share. Those are my kids y’all! Winking smile

Addison and Macyn doing the Wobble